A non-profit supporting education for IT professonals
One day the technology workforce will have a place to turn to for educational and vocational resource as well as a community of leaders and learners who bring skills and experience from many positions and industries.
To cultivate and support tech organizations, organizers, activities, and events to develop a supportive tech community.
Guido stein
Laura Doty
Josh Rosenthal
Sheeri Cabral
Mike Foster
Randy Hale
Kurt Menke
Kayla Patel
OSGeo.US will be a national chapter of the OSGeo community. Technocation will act as the home for this chapter supporting it’s operations. The majority of Technocation’s efforts will go into this program.
Form official OSGEO national chapter
“OSGeo Chapter” should self-organize
Based on informal discussions with OSGeo members online and at the FOSS4G conference there is a major interest in how to support and build community across the nation. Technocation is a non-profit that can act as a formal home for the OSGeo.US chapter.
“OSGeo Chapter” should prepare a mission and objective statement
OSGeo.US will cultivate and support local OSGeo chapters and projects in the United States. OSGeo.US will also support activities and events that build awareness of the OSGeo and create opportunities to grow the OSGeo community.
“OSGeo Chapter” should propose an official representative to liaise with the OSGeo Board
OSGeo.US would like to submit Randy Hale as our official representative to liaise with the OSGeo board.
“OSGeo Chapter” should submit an official expression of interest to form a chapter to the OSGeo board, listing initial members, mission, representative and other supporting information.
Randy Hale will submit an official expression of interest to the OSGeo discussion list.
The OSGeo board shall then consider passing a motion forming the chapter, and designating the liason officer.
In considering the formation of new OSGeo chapters, the board will consider issues including:
Does the mandate (geographically or linguistically) conflict with other existing chapters or chapters-in-formation?
The OSGeo.US board does feels that a national organization in the United states does not conflict with any other group. Our role will be to support chapters, projects, activities, and events that we are able to. We do not plan on running these chapters, projects, activities, and events ourselves with the exception of events done local to the Boston area by the AvidGeo Meetup Group, form which many of the initial OSGeo.US board members are a part of.
Does the chapter appear to have sufficient interest to justify official formation?
OSGeo.US has a non-profit organization, Technocation, that is willing to support the program OSGeo.US works on. Since the chapter is not an official entity Technocation will help support financial matters. Technocation has funding created by the FOSS4G 2017 Boston to build OSGeo community.
Does the chapter appear to be open to broad membership, and representative of the target geographic or linguistic community?
OSGeo.US is being founded from the community that worked on the FOSS4G 2017 Boston event, but over time plans to have representation from other communities within the United States. Part of the goals for 2018 are to build a network of people who would be interested in continuing the national chapter work.
Support FOSS4G NA 2018 Community Day
Build an email list of people across the United States who would be interested in participating and/or organizing local chapters in the United States
Build a job board for people looking for jobs which require OSGeo application skills
The AvidGeo Meetup group is a ongoing meetup in Boston that supports local gatherings around spatial technology community. Technocation will support this program directly and as the OSGeo.US chapter where possible. AvidGeo is technology agnostic, but will support and champion Open Source programming when possible.
Taste Of Open Source
Taste Of Open Source is a social event with lightening talks related to open source projects and community. This event will support open source community broadly giving a chance for project contributors and users to gather and celebrate the amazing amounts of volunteer effort that go into the process. Think of it as a show and tell where people understand your excitement about your project, not just from within your tech silo.
Contrinbutor Country Campaign
Contributor country should be a website that allows people to share their accomplishments with the community. It will also allow the community to share the many types of people who partake within these projects.